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High Cholesterol

Houston Internal Medicine Associates PA -  - Board Certified Internal Medicine & Primary Care

Houston Internal Medicine Associates PA

Board Certified Internal Medicine & Primary Care located in Houston, Katy, & Cypress, TX

Did you know that if you have high cholesterol, you’re twice as likely to suffer from heart disease? Prevent an eventuality like this by addressing your cholesterol with Lakshmi Reddy, MD, at Houston Internal Medicine Associates PA, with locations in Houston, Cypress and Katy, Texas. She can measure your cholesterol levels, determine what’s driving your high cholesterol, and help you develop solutions. Tackle your high cholesterol with the help of Houston Internal Medicine Associates PA. Book an appointment online or over the phone today.

High Cholesterol Q & A



What is cholesterol?

Cholesterol is a fatty substance that travels through the body via the circulatory system. There are two main types of cholesterol, HDL-C (high-density lipoprotein) and LDL-C (low-density lipoprotein). 

People often refer to HDL-C as “good cholesterol” because it contains fewer fats and keeps cholesterol buildup in the arteries at bay. Meanwhile, LDL-C has a higher fat content, and it’s the main culprit responsible for cholesterol buildup and artery blockage. For this reason, people call it “bad cholesterol.”

If Dr. Reddy at Houston Internal Medicine Associates PA finds that you have high cholesterol, that means that the level of bad cholesterol in your blood is elevated.


What causes high cholesterol?

You can develop high cholesterol from a variety of sources, but most often, it results from unhealthy lifestyle choices, such as:


Spending more time sitting than engaging in physical activity
Eating a poor diet, especially with high amounts of trans fats and saturated fats

Genetics also play a role; if high cholesterol runs in your family, you’re more likely to develop it as well.

Less frequently, high cholesterol is a secondary condition caused by other medical conditions, such as diabetes, HIV, hypothyroidism, or chronic kidney disease. Certain medications can also lead to high cholesterol.


How can you prevent complications from high cholesterol?

Left untreated, high cholesterol can lead to serious complications, including:

  • Heart attack
  • Stroke
  • Peripheral artery disease


To prevent complications such as these, it’s important to schedule regular checkups with Dr. Reddy, during which she performs a lipid panel. 

Lipid panels test your total cholesterol levels, including HDL-C level, LDL-C level, and triglyceride level. They also compare the ratio of your LDL-C and HDL-C levels, and your total cholesterol and HDL-C levels. 

If Dr. Reddy finds anything of concern, she typically recommends you adjust your lifestyle, by making choices such as:

  • Quitting smoking
  • Eating heart-healthy foods
  • Losing weight
  • Increasing your activity levels


Dr. Reddy may also prescribe you medications such as statins, which lower and control cholesterol levels.

Don’t wait until you have a crisis to address high cholesterol. Be proactive and schedule an appointment at Houston Internal Medicine Associates PA online or over the phone today.